This fudge - wow - it's good, I'll tell you that. I don't want to ruin the beautiful surprise when you bite into a piece, but it is a beautiful lemony blend of cranberries and pistachios topped with a white chocolate fudgey-ness. If that doesn't have your mouth watering, I'm not sure what will. Also (for those who can't be bothered spending hours standing over a pot with a thermometer), this fudge is super easy (like, really easy). I couldn't not share this recipe! Have fun!
1 x 395g can of sweetened condensed milk
zest of 3 limes (I used lemons - taste just as good!)
375g white chocolate
3/4 cup shelled pistachio nuts
1 cup dried cranberries
Grease and line a 22cm square tin. Set aside.
Place condensed milk and lime zest in a saucepan over medium heat until the milk starts to simmer. Turn down to a low heat and simmer for a few minutes until condensed milk starts to thicken slightly.
Remove from heat, add the white chocolate and mix until chocolate has melted. Mix in the nuts and cranberries and pour the mixture into prepared tin.
Refrigerate for at least two hours before cutting into slices (or if you're like me and can't wait to eat it, freeze for a little bit but keep an eye on it! And I say that from experience. Think of the worst that could happen? It happened. Hard as a rock.).
PS: I apologize for the average photo - I just couldn't wait to get it in my know you would do the same thing.
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